A marca
A nova identidade visual da marca, desenvolvida em 2019 pela amanai, mostra todo o envolvimento e cuidado que a agência de viajens tem com seus clientes.
The brand
The new visual identity of the brand, developed in 2019 by amanai, shows all the involvement and care that the travel agency has with its clients.
The brand should be called panda because the owner is recognized by Rodrigo Panda, however it should be clean and sophisticated conveying seriousness, authority, solidity. Although clean, the brand should not convey the idea of child because panda is an animal found in several cartoons aimed at children. We believe that travel is breathtaking and life-changing. Traveling is so much more than moving from one place to another. To travel is to meet the new, to be surprised, to be enchanted.
Para compor a marca usamos as técnicas do gestalt depois de alguns estudos pegamos a face direita um panda, interligamos com uma silhueta de um avião e, com isso a orelha na imagem já remete a letra P comecando assim o nome da marca. A tipologia remete aos icones presentes na identidade visual representando as 3 formas de viagem pelo ar, terra e mar.
To compose the brand we use the techniques of gestalt after some studies we took the right face of a panda, interconnected with a silhouette of an airplane and with that the ear in the image already remits the letter P thus beginning the name of the brand. The typology refers to the icons present in the visual identity representing the 3 forms of voyage through air, land and sea.
Bellerose Light
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